Title: Cutest little owl hidden in the trees
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Category: Wildlife/Nature
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Description: I decided to go for an early morning walk around MacArthur island after it had snowed a lot. I have always seen lots of deer and other little birds here but that's it's. Except on this morning. As I was under a tree off the main trails, trying to photograph the other birds I realized after a few minutes that there was an owl 4 feet away from my face!!!! level to me on a tree branch! Shocked and filled with excitement I turned my camera and got to take the most amazing photos of it! The owl stayed on the branch keeping a close eye. I was very amused that the owl wasn't very scared of me. It was only a bit bigger than my hand and so cute. It wouldn't fly away so I took the photos I could get and let it be in it's tree. I will never forget this experience, and I will be thanking nature forever for it. Our world is so beautiful and precious. The owl was a Saw-Whet Owl, also known as the swallow owl! It was only a bit bigger than my hand and so cute!